Registration is very important.
Space is limited to 80 people. First come, first served.
If you register, please attend.
If you cannot attend, please do not register.
If you register and have to cancel, please strike your name from this list.
We'll need your contact information to provide you with the most up-to-date information.
To register, add your name and contact information below. Once you've added your information, all you'll have to do is check in at the door! We'll assume you're coming and will plan accordingly!
Remember to include your email. After you click the blue "Edit Page" button above, you can add your email address by:
- linking (use the point-and-click editor by clicking the link in the upper right-hand corner if it's easier) -or-
- listing directly using the "johnsmith (at) gmail (dot) com" format to avoid spam spiders.
This allows us to keep you updated with all the details about the event by email (no spam, we promise). Also check the PodCamp Ottawa website for the most up to date information by clicking here.
If you have to cancel, please use the strikethrough feature noted by ABC in the format bar in the edit mode (instead of actually deleting your name) so that we can see that your status has changed.
Be sure to check out our guiding principles so that you are prepared for the day.
1. Mark Blevis- markblevis (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, Just One More Book, Electric Sky
2. Andrea Ross - justonemorebook (at) gmail (dot) com - Just One More Book, Swimming in Literary Soup
3. Bob Goyetche - bobgoyetche (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, CatFish Show, Bob and AJ, Mostly Tunes
4. Maurizio Ortolani- mortolan (at) nac-cna (dot) ca - NAC Podcasts
5. Susan Murphy - murphy.sue (at) gmail (dot) com - GeekGrls on hold for now. Working on a new concept for a podcast.
6. Francis Wooby - francis (at) wooby (dot) ca - Independent communications practitioner and podcast enthusiast
7. Simon Chen - chen (at) ramius (dot) net - Working on my first show! :) Regrets all - I won't be back from Toronto until later on Sunday. Have a terrific camp!
8. Kelly Rusk - kelly (at) web2dotwhat (dot) com - podcast listener only : )
9. Joe Boughner - joe (at) joeboughner (dot) ca - Bah. Will instead be setting up for work-related conference. I hope someone can give a good recap!
10. Patrick Lajeunesse - patlaj (at) gmail -unfortunately bailing... family things.
11. Mark Stephenson - mark.b.stephenson (at) gmail
12. Natasha D'Souza - Virtual EyeSee
13. Dominique Echeverri - High school teacher in Communications technology
14. Darcy Whyte - darcy (at) siteware (dot) com
15. Mike Kujawski - mike (at) mikekujawski (dot) ca - Social Media Strategist - Public Sector Marketing 2.0
16. Chamika Ailapperuma - chamikak (at) gmail
17. Chulaka Ailapperuma - chulaka (dot) ailapperuma (at) gmail
18. Dwight Dunlop - dedogster (at)gmail(dot)com - Much To Do About Nothing Stuck at work this weekend, have fun!
19. Mark Bell - markabell (at) gmail (dot) com - Editor, MONITOR magazine
20. W Thomas Leroux - wtleroux a-t gmail period com
21. Phil Labonte - The Fake Pixel Design Studios
22. Kristina Mausser - kristina (at) digitalword (dot) ca
23. Jeff Parks - jeff (dot) parks (at) iaconsultants (dot) ca
24. Robin Browne - consciousimages (at) gmail (dot) com
25. Chris Neil - chris (at) prospectics (dot) com change of plans
26. Mitchell McKenna - mitchellmckenna (at) gmail (dot) com
27. Nik Craik - crai0124 (at) algonquincollege (dot) com
28. Chris MacDonald - cwmacdon (at) gmail (dot) com
29. Charles Hodgson - podictionary the podcast for word lovers
30. Hugh McGuire - LibriVox
31. sam cook - music and arts blog
32. Rayanne Langdon - rayanne (at) freshbooks (dot) com - FreshBooks // Twitter
33. Jonathan Migneault - jonathan (dot) migneault (at) gmail (dot) com
34. Kathryn Boland - kathrynboland (at) gmail (dot) com/ dna13// Twitter
35. Ryan Saxby Hill - ryansaxby (at) gmail (dot) com,
36. Marnie Richardson - NAC New Media - mrichard (at) nac-cna (dot) ca
37. Sylvain Grand'Maison - Le Québec en Baladodiffusion - Fono
38. Jennifer Covert - NAC eMarketing - jcovert (at) nac-cna (dot) ca (I have to leave at 1:45)
39. (Tentative) Alexandre Lemieux - Fortrel.Net - fortrel (at) gmail (dot) com -
40. Julien Smith
41. Anya Volgina - anyavolgina (at) gmail (dot) com - Structured Moments
42. Robert Janelle - bob janelle (at) gmail (dot) com
43. Katheryne Legault - legaultk - at - gmail - dot - com
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